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Explore the unique charms of Lanzarote

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Monumento al campesino

San Bartolomé

Monumento al Campesino

Located in the center of the island and very close to our villas is the Monumento al Campesino, an icon of Lanzarote's rich agricultural heritage. Designed by local artist César Manrique, this monument honors the work of the island's farmers. Its unique structure and tranquil atmosphere make it a perfect place to learn about the history and culture of Lanzarote.

Valle de La Geria

La Geria and its wineries

Just a few minutes' drive away, you'll find the Valle de La Geria, a unique wine region where vineyards are cultivated in holes covered with volcanic ash. This stunning landscape creates a unique environment for wine production on the island. The wineries in the area offer tastings of local wines, allowing visitors to savor the exquisite flavors of Lanzarote.

La GeriaLa Geria


Timanfaya National Park

This park is a true natural gem, known for its lunar landscape and still palpable volcanic activity. Camel rides through the rugged lava hills and geysers emitting steam from the depths of the earth make this park an unforgettable experience.

Parque Nacional del TimanfayaParque Nacional del Timanfaya


Famara Beach

Famara Beach in Lanzarote is a paradise for surf lovers. Its extensive golden sands blend with the deep blue of the Atlantic Ocean. Surrounded by majestic cliffs, it offers stunning scenery and a unique experience on the island.

Playa de Famara


Cueva de los Verdes and Jameos del Agua

Located in the center of the island and very close to our villas is the Monumento al Campesino, an icon of Lanzarote's rich agricultural heritage. Designed by local artist César Manrique, this monument honors the work of the island's farmers. Its unique structure and tranquil atmosphere make it a perfect place to learn about the history and culture of Lanzarote.

Cueva de los verdes

Located in the center of the island and very close to our villas is the Monumento al Campesino, an icon of Lanzarote's rich agricultural heritage. Designed by local artist César Manrique, this monument honors the work of the island's farmers. Its unique structure and tranquil atmosphere make it a perfect place to learn about the history and culture of Lanzarote.

Jameos del agua

Ciudad Calcificada

Discover where to stay.